Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The Hot Zone

Ebola Symptoms
Prior to the day of exposure, around the seventh day symptoms become to take affect. Headaches and backaches are extremely painful. There is also a throbbing pain located in the eyes and temple. As time progresses the virus strengthens, consequently delivering more painful penalties. Nauseated, fever and vomit negro. The physical appearance of the host also becomes passive. They loose the physical traits of a healthy individual. They appear pale and extremely fragile. Internal problems such as blood clots and hostile behavior also occur within the host. The blood clots yield the blood flow, ultimately damaging the vital organs. As a result, organ failure may occur due to inactivity of blood movement. Bleeding will also contribute as a factor to the symptoms. Blood is continuously released without any control. The behavior of the host also has a negative transition. They will loose the ability to comprehend, communicate and adjust to the environment. They become angry and hostile against others would try making contact with them.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Fermentation Group Lab

Fermentation Group Lab

2-liter plastic soda bottle
Brown Sugar
Blended Apple Flavorings

1. Clean and gather the equipment
2. In a pot, add ~1.75 liters of water, and all of the flavorings you plan to use. Bring the mixture up to a simmer, and let it bubble for 30 seconds. Turn off the heat and let the mixture cool.
3. In a separate bowl, dissolve 1.4 teaspoon of yeast into a small amount of warm water. When the yeast is dissolved, add it to the cooled soda base.
4. Pour the completed soda base into the 2-Liter bottle, and close the cap tightly. Let the bottle sit for 24 to 48 hours. The amount of time is variable, depending on the temperature of your kitchen, etc. At first, the carbon dioxide we be produced as a gas, and will increase the pressure in the bottle. Once enough pressure has been built up, newly produced carbon dioxide will begin to dissolve into the soda base.

This lab was an example of alcoholic fermentation, which produces ethanol. This is done by yeast; it can be found when it bubbled bubbles in soda. During alcoholic fermentation, the 2 pyruvate that comes from the glycolosis is converted into 2 acetaldehyde ( and gives off CO2), then uses 2 NADH to convert it into 2 ethanol

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Single Cell Organism


Yeast is a unicellular organism that is a fungus. Yeast can be found in beer. It only contains one cell and its function is to convert grains ultimately creating beer. Yeast is the most important ingredient to brew beer. The yeast brews the beer using fermentation. Yeast is a living organism, metabolizing, reproducing, and feeding off the ingredients in the beer. It converts sugar to alcohol and carbon dioxide in the fermentation stage. Yeast can also determines the flavor of the beer.

3 Chemistry Concepts

 3 Chemistry Concepts 

 1. Carbohydrates - A carbohydrate is a compound that provides nutrients to a cell of a living organism. They are organic compounds made of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. It is connected with photosynthesis because the photosynthetic process produces carbohydrates. Carbohydrates such as sugars contain the energy that photosynthesis converts it into. 
2. Nucleus - The nucleus is the center of a cell that is positively charged. It controls the cell's activities that acts like a brain. It is connected with photosynthesis because the process is controlled and monitored  by the nucleus. It is essential to photosynthesis because it distributes the instructions to perform the process properly. 

3. An atom is the smallest form of an element containing specific characteristics. It is related to photosynthesis because in the process carbon atoms and oxygen atoms are used. During photosynthesis, oxygen atoms are released;carbon atoms are required to produce food.

Sunday, November 2, 2014


Cocaine Molecule

A cocaine molecule consists of hydrogen (white), carbon (black), nitrogen (blue) and oxygen (red) atoms. It contains two rings and are connected by the different types of atoms. There 46 atoms altogether that create the molecule and 45 bonds that connects it. Cocaine molecules creates a white crystalline powder. This powder is constantly used as a drug.

Friday, October 31, 2014




1. What type of symmetry does the dugesia have?
radial bilateral asymmetry

2. What term is used to describe how a planarian can regrow its body parts?
regeneration fission cephalization

3. Which of the following is associated with the planarian's nervous system?
flame cells diffusion ganglia

4. Asexual reproduction can occur through a process called:
transverse fission binary fission cocoooning

5. A hermaphrodite is an animal that:
can asexually reproduce can regenerate has both male and female parts

6. The dugesia belongs to the phylum:
platyhelminthes planaria turbellaria

7. How could a a person catch a dugesia?
using a net to siphon them from the surface of the water
using a hook and raw liver to attract them

8. An animal that has no internal body cavity to hold organs is called a(n):
turbellarian hermaphrodite acoelomate

9. How does the dugesia obtain oxygen?
diffusion through gills with its flame cells

10. The dugesia will tend to stay in what areas?
dark light warm

Saturday, October 25, 2014


Glycolysis is the most important stage in cellular respiration. It’s the most important because its series of reactions which are enzymatic actions and energy transactions. In the process glucose gets broken down for NAPH and ATP. The different phases include investment, cleavage and energy harvest. Investment is the energy activation supplied needed in order to start the reaction; cleavage is the six carbon sugar divides in the reaction; harvest is the energy that gets yielded. Glycolysis is extremely important because all living organisms perform it for energy. The metabolic pathway where pyruvate gets sent is an anaerobic cytoplasmic pathway. It’s anaerobic because it’ll be fermented; the cell pyruvate termination will be the Kreb’s cycle and total oxidation also occurs. My waarent was the glycolysis rap.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


GMO is a genetically modified organism that had its genetic material modified in order to produce a specific trait. GMO is accomplished through genetic engineering techniques. Scientists have already been successful with the genetic modification of plants and animals. GMO has become very controversial because of its side effects on certain organisms. This is why GMO should be banned throughout the world. There are a large amount of disadvantages when it comes to GMO. GMO has the potential to damage humans and animals. It was originally designed to kill the insects that were trying to consume the crop. The toxins were successful killing the insects but it was also gaining entrance into the humans’ diet. It can produce autism, trigger allergies, birth affects and ultimately cancer. GMO makes natural nutrients unavailable to us and replaces it with toxins. The effects of the toxins trigger unhealthy symptoms. In South Africa, a large amount of people were eating GMO crops. These crops caused deadly effects such as headaches, runny noses, crossed eyes, and death. When the corn was not GMO, the people displayed a healthy status. GMO can be severe to children because kids are more sensitive to smaller amounts of toxins. It can affect the child's growth development. In animals, it can have negative reactions within them. While consuming GMO plants, animals such as pigs and cattle can tremendously suffer. The pigs on the farm experienced deadly diarrhea and high death rates. The cattle got ill and also had high death rates. It was not until the farmers changed the animals' diet that they started becoming healthier. The GMO diet had extremely negative side affects on the animals.


Friday, October 3, 2014

DNA Fingerprinting

DNA Fingerprinting 

DNA fingerprinting has the potential to identify a specific individual. A DNA sample such as blood,hair,salvia or semen can contains a person's genetic information. Everybody's DNA is distinguished from one another. Although genes may repeat in a DNA strand, short tandem repeats are what differentiates. DNA fingerprinting has had a significant impact on the study of forensics. DNA fingerprinting has provided detectives with the concrete evidence needed to prosecute a suspect. It can also be used to determine the father of a baby with a paternity test. The development of DNA fingerprinting has made solving mysteries easier. Without it, identifying and profiling individuals would extremely difficult. 


3 Advantages of PCR

PCR has three important advantages that that is important in the practice of forensics. One benefit from PCR is that you can produce more copies of a minimal starting amount in good for criminal investigation. In an investigation this is important because the extra copies help in identifying a suspect. Another advantage of PCR is you can reproduce a large amount of copies in a small amount of time. Lastly PCR can still be effective with small molecular weight DNA samples. Even if the same is damaged in many ways, PCR can still function properly. RFLP requires higher molecular weight. There are 12 steps tp RFLP. 1 is visual evaluation, 2 is assay, 3 is digestion, 4 is test gel, 5 is known sample perpartion, 6 is anaytical electrophoresis, 7 is southern blot, 8 is hybridizing, 9 is autoradiography, 10 is imaging, 11 is striporing and 12 is more probing. PCR is a more common practice than RFLP beacuse in most crime scences, only a small DNA sample is avaliable.

Friday, September 26, 2014




The function of an enzyme is to increase the rate of a chemical reaction. Enzymes make a reaction occur a million times faster than a regular reaction would. In order for an enzyme to break down a substance, it must have a reactant (substrate). Active site is the area where the substrate fits into the enzyme. The fit of the substrate into the enzyme must be precise and accurate. An inhibitor can change the shape of an active site disable a substrate from fitting into the enzyme and that is called allosteric inhibition. When an inhibitor fits into an active site before a substrate can, that is called competitive inhibition. The reaction rate of an enzyme depends on the concentration of the enzyme and temperature. There are two ways of using an enzyme. The first one is not producing an enzyme until it is needed. The other way is through activation when something is added to the enzyme to make it active.


Thursday, September 18, 2014

Molecules Guild Project


By Anthony Zaragoza

TNT Molecule - A TNT (trinitrotoluene) molecule contains 21 atoms that consist of carbon (black), hydrogen(white), oxygen(red), and nitrogen(blue).There are 21 bonds within the molecule. The TNT molecule has a flat structure that only has one layer of atoms.  The molecule resembles a snowflake with one ring in the middle. The layout of a TNT molecule makes it highly explosive and a yellow solid.

Salt Molecule – A salt molecule contains 60 atoms that consist of sodium (purple) and chlorine (green). There are 133 bonds within the molecule. The salt molecule has a box like structure that contains more miniature boxes within it. There are multiple layers that all connect to each other. The layout of a salt molecule makes it idea for flavoring and cooking.

Diamond Molecule – A diamond molecule contains 331 atoms that all consist of carbon white). There are 544 bonds within the molecule. The diamond molecule has multiple layers of rings that make the molecule very tough to break. Diamond molecules are often used for expensive jewelry.

DNA molecule – A DNA molecule contains 566 atoms that consist of carbon (white) oxygen (red), nitrogen (blue), and phosphorus (purple). There are 546 bonds within the molecule. The DNA molecule has multiple steps that create a ladder like figure that twists. DNA molecules are used to contain genetic information of an individual.

Thursday, September 11, 2014



by Anthony Zaragoza
Microbiologist- They study microorganisms that cause illnesses and how to exploit them. Their main
focus is the biology of microorganisms at both the molecular and cellular level including their ecology. They work to prevent, diagnose and control infections as they identify and characterize organisms.
Average day - On an average day microbiologist would be observing, monitoring and identifying microorganisms. In a range of environments they would be tracking microorganisms. Then they
would be developing and planning methods to prevent the spread of disease.
With their methods they would be able to register new medicines, vaccines, diagnostic tests and pharmaceutical products. This includes vitamins, hormones, enzymes and antimicrobials.
Requirements- A bachelor’s degree in microbiology or a closely related field is needed for entry-level of microbiologist jobs. A Ph.D. is generally required to carry out independent research and to work in colleges or universities.
Salary - The average salary of a microbiologist would be $42,403 a year.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

About Me

     About Me
By Anthony Zaragoza

 My name is Anthony Zaragoza. I was named after the Saint, St. Anthony. I was born December 13, 1999. In December Christmas is my favorite holiday because I receive presents. I am an Alhambra Moor and proud. As a child I loved to attend school and play sports. Learning new material has always fascinated me because I know my knowledge is only getting stronger. Science is my favorite subject because it involves the natural world around us. Baseball is a sport that I have played my entire life. For years I stayed devoted and dedicated to the game because I love it. My favorite team is the Los Angeles Dodgers. When I get older I hope to become a professional baseball player. My family has a deep love for baseball. I am a Mexican-American male with high set goals who strives to succeed. I am a very determined and tough individual who does not accept defeat. I am Anthony Zaragoza.