Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The Hot Zone

Ebola Symptoms
Prior to the day of exposure, around the seventh day symptoms become to take affect. Headaches and backaches are extremely painful. There is also a throbbing pain located in the eyes and temple. As time progresses the virus strengthens, consequently delivering more painful penalties. Nauseated, fever and vomit negro. The physical appearance of the host also becomes passive. They loose the physical traits of a healthy individual. They appear pale and extremely fragile. Internal problems such as blood clots and hostile behavior also occur within the host. The blood clots yield the blood flow, ultimately damaging the vital organs. As a result, organ failure may occur due to inactivity of blood movement. Bleeding will also contribute as a factor to the symptoms. Blood is continuously released without any control. The behavior of the host also has a negative transition. They will loose the ability to comprehend, communicate and adjust to the environment. They become angry and hostile against others would try making contact with them.

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