Monday, January 19, 2015

Mendel Web Lab

Mendel's Genetic Lab

In this section, I learned that Mendel made understanding genetics easier. Mendel was experimenting with peas because they grew quickly and it was easier to identify traits. Mendel understood that each pea could reproduce sexually or asexually. Mendel decided to cross breed peas with different traits. Doing so Mendel was able to determine which traits were dominant or recessive. He tested taits such as plant size, position of flowers, flower color, and pea color. Mendel's experiments showed the inheritance of traits among the peas. In the program I learned how to determine recessive and dominant triats. Dominant have a stronger presence than recessive triats do.



Dear Anton, 
               I am sorry for all that I put you through. I understand that by law you have to arrest me but I
cannot permit that. I am pursuing a life that I never got to live. As a child I was discriminated for my
chronic disease. My genes were categorized into the lower class of society. I could not attend school
and physically I was limited. When we played chicken, I would always loose.  I could not share the
same privileges as you did. My life consisted of a series of obstacles that made me struggle
tremendously. That is why I had to abandon the family. I had to live my dream as an individual in the
higher place of society. Gattacca has always been my goal and I can now accomplish it. I dyed my
hair in oder to aviod detection of disease. I would constantly remove hairs and clean my skin. I would
switch my urine and blood samples with Eugiene's. I removed my glasses and did everything in my
power to appear geneticly healthy.  Please brother, I hope you understand and let me live a life I
always dreamed of. There is nothing in this world I rather have than to be in Gattacca. Anton I love
you and you for everything. I will see you soon.
Vincent Freeman

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The Hot Zone

Ebola Symptoms
Prior to the day of exposure, around the seventh day symptoms become to take affect. Headaches and backaches are extremely painful. There is also a throbbing pain located in the eyes and temple. As time progresses the virus strengthens, consequently delivering more painful penalties. Nauseated, fever and vomit negro. The physical appearance of the host also becomes passive. They loose the physical traits of a healthy individual. They appear pale and extremely fragile. Internal problems such as blood clots and hostile behavior also occur within the host. The blood clots yield the blood flow, ultimately damaging the vital organs. As a result, organ failure may occur due to inactivity of blood movement. Bleeding will also contribute as a factor to the symptoms. Blood is continuously released without any control. The behavior of the host also has a negative transition. They will loose the ability to comprehend, communicate and adjust to the environment. They become angry and hostile against others would try making contact with them.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Fermentation Group Lab

Fermentation Group Lab

2-liter plastic soda bottle
Brown Sugar
Blended Apple Flavorings

1. Clean and gather the equipment
2. In a pot, add ~1.75 liters of water, and all of the flavorings you plan to use. Bring the mixture up to a simmer, and let it bubble for 30 seconds. Turn off the heat and let the mixture cool.
3. In a separate bowl, dissolve 1.4 teaspoon of yeast into a small amount of warm water. When the yeast is dissolved, add it to the cooled soda base.
4. Pour the completed soda base into the 2-Liter bottle, and close the cap tightly. Let the bottle sit for 24 to 48 hours. The amount of time is variable, depending on the temperature of your kitchen, etc. At first, the carbon dioxide we be produced as a gas, and will increase the pressure in the bottle. Once enough pressure has been built up, newly produced carbon dioxide will begin to dissolve into the soda base.

This lab was an example of alcoholic fermentation, which produces ethanol. This is done by yeast; it can be found when it bubbled bubbles in soda. During alcoholic fermentation, the 2 pyruvate that comes from the glycolosis is converted into 2 acetaldehyde ( and gives off CO2), then uses 2 NADH to convert it into 2 ethanol

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Single Cell Organism


Yeast is a unicellular organism that is a fungus. Yeast can be found in beer. It only contains one cell and its function is to convert grains ultimately creating beer. Yeast is the most important ingredient to brew beer. The yeast brews the beer using fermentation. Yeast is a living organism, metabolizing, reproducing, and feeding off the ingredients in the beer. It converts sugar to alcohol and carbon dioxide in the fermentation stage. Yeast can also determines the flavor of the beer.

3 Chemistry Concepts

 3 Chemistry Concepts 

 1. Carbohydrates - A carbohydrate is a compound that provides nutrients to a cell of a living organism. They are organic compounds made of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. It is connected with photosynthesis because the photosynthetic process produces carbohydrates. Carbohydrates such as sugars contain the energy that photosynthesis converts it into. 
2. Nucleus - The nucleus is the center of a cell that is positively charged. It controls the cell's activities that acts like a brain. It is connected with photosynthesis because the process is controlled and monitored  by the nucleus. It is essential to photosynthesis because it distributes the instructions to perform the process properly. 

3. An atom is the smallest form of an element containing specific characteristics. It is related to photosynthesis because in the process carbon atoms and oxygen atoms are used. During photosynthesis, oxygen atoms are released;carbon atoms are required to produce food.

Sunday, November 2, 2014


Cocaine Molecule

A cocaine molecule consists of hydrogen (white), carbon (black), nitrogen (blue) and oxygen (red) atoms. It contains two rings and are connected by the different types of atoms. There 46 atoms altogether that create the molecule and 45 bonds that connects it. Cocaine molecules creates a white crystalline powder. This powder is constantly used as a drug.