Friday, September 26, 2014




The function of an enzyme is to increase the rate of a chemical reaction. Enzymes make a reaction occur a million times faster than a regular reaction would. In order for an enzyme to break down a substance, it must have a reactant (substrate). Active site is the area where the substrate fits into the enzyme. The fit of the substrate into the enzyme must be precise and accurate. An inhibitor can change the shape of an active site disable a substrate from fitting into the enzyme and that is called allosteric inhibition. When an inhibitor fits into an active site before a substrate can, that is called competitive inhibition. The reaction rate of an enzyme depends on the concentration of the enzyme and temperature. There are two ways of using an enzyme. The first one is not producing an enzyme until it is needed. The other way is through activation when something is added to the enzyme to make it active.


Thursday, September 18, 2014

Molecules Guild Project


By Anthony Zaragoza

TNT Molecule - A TNT (trinitrotoluene) molecule contains 21 atoms that consist of carbon (black), hydrogen(white), oxygen(red), and nitrogen(blue).There are 21 bonds within the molecule. The TNT molecule has a flat structure that only has one layer of atoms.  The molecule resembles a snowflake with one ring in the middle. The layout of a TNT molecule makes it highly explosive and a yellow solid.

Salt Molecule – A salt molecule contains 60 atoms that consist of sodium (purple) and chlorine (green). There are 133 bonds within the molecule. The salt molecule has a box like structure that contains more miniature boxes within it. There are multiple layers that all connect to each other. The layout of a salt molecule makes it idea for flavoring and cooking.

Diamond Molecule – A diamond molecule contains 331 atoms that all consist of carbon white). There are 544 bonds within the molecule. The diamond molecule has multiple layers of rings that make the molecule very tough to break. Diamond molecules are often used for expensive jewelry.

DNA molecule – A DNA molecule contains 566 atoms that consist of carbon (white) oxygen (red), nitrogen (blue), and phosphorus (purple). There are 546 bonds within the molecule. The DNA molecule has multiple steps that create a ladder like figure that twists. DNA molecules are used to contain genetic information of an individual.

Thursday, September 11, 2014



by Anthony Zaragoza
Microbiologist- They study microorganisms that cause illnesses and how to exploit them. Their main
focus is the biology of microorganisms at both the molecular and cellular level including their ecology. They work to prevent, diagnose and control infections as they identify and characterize organisms.
Average day - On an average day microbiologist would be observing, monitoring and identifying microorganisms. In a range of environments they would be tracking microorganisms. Then they
would be developing and planning methods to prevent the spread of disease.
With their methods they would be able to register new medicines, vaccines, diagnostic tests and pharmaceutical products. This includes vitamins, hormones, enzymes and antimicrobials.
Requirements- A bachelor’s degree in microbiology or a closely related field is needed for entry-level of microbiologist jobs. A Ph.D. is generally required to carry out independent research and to work in colleges or universities.
Salary - The average salary of a microbiologist would be $42,403 a year.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

About Me

     About Me
By Anthony Zaragoza

 My name is Anthony Zaragoza. I was named after the Saint, St. Anthony. I was born December 13, 1999. In December Christmas is my favorite holiday because I receive presents. I am an Alhambra Moor and proud. As a child I loved to attend school and play sports. Learning new material has always fascinated me because I know my knowledge is only getting stronger. Science is my favorite subject because it involves the natural world around us. Baseball is a sport that I have played my entire life. For years I stayed devoted and dedicated to the game because I love it. My favorite team is the Los Angeles Dodgers. When I get older I hope to become a professional baseball player. My family has a deep love for baseball. I am a Mexican-American male with high set goals who strives to succeed. I am a very determined and tough individual who does not accept defeat. I am Anthony Zaragoza.